Mexico: World’s Best Bass Fishing
Bass Fishing is indeed an adventure for the anglers and travelers. It gives them a lot of enjoyment and excitement as well. It is now already popular in most countries which have an endowed resource of water. Mostly, bass fishing is being done in lakes. And one of the best popular places of bass fishing in the world is in Mexico. Mexico Bass fishing is an awesome and ultimate experience because it has some of the best bass fishing in the world. By its good environment and productive resource of water, most anglers and travelers fish here. Mexican bass lakes like Huites, El Salto, Baccarac, Agua Milpa, Comedero and Guerrero can offer basses over 10 pounds on any given cast.
Because of its nature’s beauty, it can never be said that it is god’s gift. The sheer anticipation of a Mexico Bass fishing trip is enough to drive any angler obsessed. Crazy anglers are being encouraged for it can produce well. Mexico bass fishing can be done on the greatest black bass lakes in the world. There are four such lakes on the West coast of Mexico: Lake El Salto , Lake Agua Milpa, Lake Huites , Lake Baccarac ,Lake Comedero.
Lake El Salto produces more double-digit bass than any bass lake in the world. It is a 23,000 acre impoundment, home to some of the very best Largemouth Bass fishing in Mexico and in the world. It is located 50 miles north of the beautiful seaside resort of Mazatlan. Over a thousand of bass ranging over 10 pounds have been caught and released at this great Mexico bass fishing lake. Lake Agua Milpa, offers big numbers of quality largemouth bass. Also, Lake Huites is considered to be one of the finest waters among the rest. Thus, Lake Baccarac is an ideal hotspot for catching large mouthed bass. It is the best big bass lake in the entire world. The first fishing season was beyond most anglers’ dreams and the lake has been improving every year. The lake is approximately 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. It is within among green forested mountain peaks. This is one of the best places for mexico bass fishing.
Lake Comedero is a beautiful mountain lake within the Sierra Madre Mountains 100 miles notheast of the seaside resort of Mazatlan. It has clear and cool water with thousands of hungry black bass striking almost any type of lure all year. It is the world's best bass lake for numbers of bass from 8 lbs. to 12 lbs. with some bass ranging from 12 to 15 lbs. Believe I've been there and its one of the top Mexico bass fishing lakes. The bass fishing at each lake differs because of the age of each Lake. Mostly the older lakes produce larger bass but not quite as many numbers as the newer lakes.
On the other hand, East coast of Mexico has two great Lakes for Mexico bass fishing. Lake Guerrero, producing numbers with an occasional ten-pound plus; Lake El Cuchillo, the newest Mexico bass fishing lake of them. It is located less than a hundred miles south of the Texas/Mexico border. It has been producing some very impressive catches. Mexico bass fishing is the best bass fishing in the world because of its two primary reasons.
Ian Botham (no relation) runs his own online sports goods mail order business as well as several sports related websites. Go here to visit one of his sites regarding Bass Fishing
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Botham
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