Welcome to Part Two of the series Top Bass Fishing Tips. If you missed any of the other articles in the series then just do a quick search for top bass fishing tips and you should be able to find the other articles. The goal of this series is to provide you with top bass fishing techniques to help you catch more bass. In today's article we will look at answering the crucial question where are the bass?
A lot of considerations come into play when we consider how to locate bass. The body of water we are fishing, weather conditions, structure and other elements but let's try and put these together to round out this bass fishing tip. So to try and help do that first I want to discuss water.
Water us made up of 3 strata. There is a top strata, a middle strata and a bottom strata. During the course of the year water tends to form into these 3 distinct layers, and easy to help you identify with this is concept is, have you ever gone swimming while you were up at the cottage or camping? I'm sure you have, right and as you were swimming you noticed that in the summer swimming along the top can be quite comfortable but dive down a few feet and you instantly notice a drop a in temperature. Now I'm not suggesting the middle layer is just a few feet beneath the surface, but it's just an example to help identify the concept of water strata. These strata play an important role in a fish's life. This is applicable to all fish species and not just for bass fishing. Without getting into a huge discussion about water strata, for now for this bass fishing tips I just wanted to get you used to the concept.
Things to consider when thinking about water strata and how we can use that in our bass fishing technique. Let's break it down.
Top Water Strata. This is a section of water that generally for the most part if the year is warmer then the other 2 layers. Although it is important to note that this layer also drops to the bottom during fall weather and is the first layer to become available in the spring on the surface. Ok to catch more bass in the top water strata consider proper bass fishing lure choice. For instance, top water or "floating" lures with splashing and darting actions can help trigger active fish in this zone of warmer water. Remember this zone becomes very active in the spring as the water stratifies and by summer becomes distinct. Also weather patterns and time of the day help to dictate when active bass may move into this layer of water.
Middle Strata of Water. Is often a transitional section of water that determines how the water will circulate during the yearly seasons and also acts as the definitive barrier of range of water temperatures that separate the top water from the bottom. Tacking advantage of these bass fishing tips for this section of water takes some consideration. Bass will usually hold in this water as a transition. Sometimes moving off to drop offs sections and holding in this strata yet still having access to the active top water. Finding choice bass locations that contain this middle strata along close access to top water habitat can make for some of the best bass fishing. Bass fishing lure choices here range from swimming action baits, rattle baits, shad rap style lures and other medium diving plugs.
Bottom Water Strata. This section of water is generally the coldest in terms of water temperature within a lake. This section of water also rotates to become the top water strata during certain times of the year so be aware of that and be ready to adapt to this to catch more bass. But to make bass fishing tips easier to understand let's stick with a summer scenario when this is the bottom strata. Bass fishing in this strata takes special considerations. Bass generally drop down here during certain weather patterns, when bass are spooked or go in-active. It is still possible to catch more bass here you just have to adapt. Bass fishing lure choices for this water layer are, worm rigs, flipping jigs, deep diving crankbaits and so on. Often the presentation method is slow and methodical to entice the bass to bite.
There you have it a couple quick bass fishing tips, that discuss water conditions how water stratifies and how that can determine our bass fishing technique and bass fishing lure choices. Tomorrow will continue in our series of top bass fishing tips and hope to see you there.
To learn more bass fishing tips that can help you catch more bass, head on over to Top Bass Fishing Tips. Here I not only discuss more top bass fishing tips and bass habitat and also take a more in-depth look at bass fishing technique.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Pentoch
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