Hurry! Grab These FREE Bass Fishing Secrets

I can't believe he's giving you this bass fishing stuff...

My buddy Dan has just revealed some old bass fishing secrets... and he's giving it away for free.

The only requirement is that you have to be a bass fisherman, and he doesn't want you to share it with too many people.

This stuff is lethal for slamming bass like nobody's business.

Just go here to get it:

He's only doing this because your on my bass fishing newsletter, and Dan is a good friend of mine.

It's a good thing you're on my list, or you'd never see these deadly techniques...

Go there now, he's not going to leave this stuff up for long.

Bass Fishing Secrets

1947 Bass Fishing

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The Benefits of Kayak Bass Fishing

If you like to fish for large-mouth bass then you will love kayak bass fishing. One of the best things about kayak fishing is that it can be whatever you want it to be: an afternoon on the lake with a bag of rubber worms, a weekend fishing trip with the family, or an extreme multi-state kayak fishing adventure.

Why use a kayak to pursue and catch your favorite game fish?

1. Kayaks are stealthy & can get you very close to fish and the structure that they inhabit.

2. Kayaks are very portable & can be transported by car, van, or SUV - they can even be rolled on special kayak carts.

3. Kayaks can access remote fishing locations that are too shallow for power boats and too muddy for wade fishermen.

4. Kayaks are relatively inexpensive & and will last many "maintenance free" years.

5. Kayaks do not require a registration or an operator's license (this is true in most states).

6. Kayaking/Kayak Fishing is an excellent form of low impact exercise.

7. Kayaking/Kayak Fishing is a great family & social activity.

8. Kayaks are environmentally friendly - they do not require gas or oil.

9. Kayak Fishing is fun! (just add water).

Typical On the Water Scenarios


It is spring time just after ice-out and the bass are soaking up the afternoon sun in warm shallow coves and creek arms on the Northwest side of your favorite lake. The bottom substrate of these fish holding areas is mud and muck and unfit for wade fishing and your powerboat is too big and too noisy to sneak up on bass in 2 feet of water. What do you do?

1. You launch your kayak and quietly paddle into the fish holding coves. If you see carp milling about or turtles basking then you are in the right place.

2. You pick up your favorite rod on which you have tied a jig and pork trailer, a small profile spinner bait, or a small shallow diving crank-bait.

3. You cast your lures in and around any lily pads, weed growth, logs, or dark looking depressions.

4. You hook up with a big fat pre-spawn large-mouth.


It is summer time and the bass or either holding tight to shoreline cover, docks, and boat houses or they are hunkered down deep in the thickest greenest weed beds. What are your options.

1. You can fish the shoreline by skipping rubber worms into and under cover. You'll catch many fish this way, but not always the biggest ones.

2. You can position your kayak close to shore and makes parallel casts with crank-baits, spinners, etc being certain to focus your attention on the edge of the drop off to deeper water. Active fish that are cruising the inside of weed edges or drop offs will give you plenty of action.

3. You can cast heavier spinner baits or jig and worm combos and work the outside edge of the weed beds. Bass and other game fish hide in the weeds so that they can ambush bait fish that swim by. The best outside weed edges are near steep drop offs and secondary submerged points.

4.You can wait until after dark and work the shallows paying special attention to the mouths of feeder creeks, outflows, submerged humps, and points.

5. You can skip the lake altogether and try one of your local rivers. Most rivers are under fished compared to lakes and most trout fisherman have given up on the rivers by summer time so you will more than likely have the river to yourself. If the current is slow enough you can launch your kayak and exit from the same spot eliminating the need for two vehicles. If the current is too quick to paddle against, be sure to plan your trip carefully so you know where to take out at the end of the day. Try casting spinner baits, rubber worms, or jigs into shoreline cover or work mid river rocks and weed patches with tube jigs, spinners, or small crank-baits. Be sure to pay special attention to seams, eddies, drop offs, and creek mouths. If you get tired of sitting in the kayak drag it onto the shore and wade fish a while, you can work your way down stream using the kayak as a transport to your next wading spot.


It is fall (September/October) and bass are feeding heavily in preparation for the cold water season. Some fish are suspending on drop offs or over deep water and some are cruising the remaining weed beds looking for a meal. What are your options?

1. You want to be fishing early afternoons until dark, the water will be warmest this time of day and the air temperature will be more comfortable too. You may even be able to sneak out of work early enough to get in a few good hours of fishing before nightfall.

2. You can work buzz-baits, weedless spoons, rubber worms, jigs, or spinner-baits over remaining weed beds, paying special attention to weed beds around the mouths of feeder creeks and outflows. Also look for lay-downs, submerged logs, boulders, and brush piles.

3. You can work deep points and drop offs with jigs, drop-shot rigs, deep diving crank-baits, or jigging spoons. Once you find the depth the fish seem to be holding at repeat the pattern on the other points and drop offs.

4. You can troll deep diving plugs just over suspending fish, drift fish with a float and fly set up, or live line a bait-fish in the strike zone.


It is winter time. If you live in the south put on a sweater and go fishing. Be glad you are not shoveling snow or scraping ice off of your line guides. If you live up north, pack up your kayak and fishing gear and go visit one of your friends down south. If you don't have a friend down south FIND ONE on the Kayak Fishing Stuff Forum paying special attention to the Florida, Georgia, Carolina, and Louisiana forums.

So, be sure to give kayak bass fishing a try. It will change your life, improve your catch ratio, and you will be doing your part to make the world around you a better place.

Craig Sheppard is an experienced kayak angler, outdoors enthusiast, and the General Manager of Kayak Fishing Stuff. To learn more about kayak fishing and fishing kayaks visit:

Kayak Fishing Stuff has been serving the kayak fishing community since 2001. If you fish from a kayak or have been thinking about starting this is the place. At KFS you will find brand name kayaks, quality kayak fishing gear, and a tremendous amount of free kayak fishing information.

Article Source:

Great bass fishing secrets, including all the best bass fishing tips out there!

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Bass Fishing Tips

Some great bass fishing tips here from expert bass fisherman, Trevor Kugler

Bass Fishing Tips - 3 Tips to Make Anyone a Better Bass Fisherman

In this article I will use my two plus decades of fishing experience to outline 3 tips that will make anyone a better bass fisherman. What exactly does it mean to "be a better bass fisherman"? At the end of the day it means to catch more bass, and these 3 bass fishing tips will help you do just that.

Before getting down to the tips themselves I think it's important to point out that there are no "magic formulas" when it comes to bass fishing, or any other style of fishing for that matter. Any company or organization who tells you otherwise is being less than truthful. The best of all fishing tips is to spend as much time on the water fishing as you can. There is simply no substitute for practicing your craft.

With that being said, reading bass fishing tips such as the ones listed below and implementing them into your bass fishing repertoire can make you a much more successful bass angler. Let's get down to business, shall we?

  1. Don't Get Too Heavy - Many bass anglers use rods, reels, and line that is very heavy, much heavier than is needed. Using heavy gear and line is fine if you're fishing heavy cover or the bass you catch mean the difference between making the rent or not, but for 'average' bass fishermen it's simply not necessary. Downsizing your gear and line can mean many more bites. Not to mention the fact that using appropriate gear and line is a much more enjoyable way to catch bass than using heavy gear and line.
  2. Fish At The Correct Times - When it comes to bass fishing tips, this one is quite effective. Bass are more active at certain times of the day, week, and month than others and knowing the correct times can definitely tip the odds into your favor. Being on the water when the bass are active is a great advantage to the angler, and can be accomplished fairly easily simply by paying attention to the weather & moon. These two forces of Mother Nature have a big impact on fish's activity levels, and the more you understand and use this information to your advantage, the more successful you will be. Fish at the correct times and you will catch more bass, it's as simple as that.
  3. Use Realistic Bass Baits - There are thousands of different bass baits on the market today, and whatever bass bait your choose to use, make sure that it's as realistic as possible. Whether you bass bait of choice is live, synthetic, or a lure making sure that the bait is realistic under the water is a big advantage. You want your bass bait to look like what the bass normally eat as much as is possible.

Add one or all of these bass fishing tips to your repertoire sooner, rather than later. Any one of them will make you a much better and more successful bass fisherman.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of fishing country.

Realistic Bass Bait -

Article Source:

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Bass Fishing Lures

Another great article on bass fishing lures.

Bass Fishing Lures - The Most Effective Bait Fish Imitations

This article will discuss some of the most effective bass fishing lures that imitate various bait fish. Bass, both large and small mouth, feed quite heavily on bait fish in many waterways so knowing which lures imitate which small fish can be of the utmost importance top the serious bass angler.

These lures are being listed in no particular order as to their effectiveness. I have personally experienced success with all of these bass fishing lures when fishing for both large and smallmouth bass. The bottom line is that these baits are the most effective for imitating the bait fish listed.

Here's what I suggest. Do a little research concerning the body of water you intend to fish. If the predominant baitfish in the water you are fishing is listed here, give the corresponding lure listed here a shot. The bottom line is that these bass fishing lures are the most effective options available today.

  1. Minnow Imitations - Minnows are probably the best known bait fish among anglers. These bait fish are the easiest to find and use as live bait. The Banjo minnow and other soft plastics mimic minnows quite well, but the most popular and effective minnow imitation when it comes to a traditional "bass fishing lure" has to be the Rapala floating minnow. This balsa wood fishing lure mimics a live minnow to a very high degree.
  2. Sculpins Imitations - Sculpins are a bottom feeding fish that likes to hide and live under rocks on the bottom of a lake or river. These bait fish are well known by trout fishermen and sculpins imitations are used extensively by fly fishermen. These bait fish are very prevalent in rivers and streams, so they are a favorite small mouth bass meal. Any lure that can be retrieved right along the bottom and even 'dug' into the bottom on the retrieve like a Storm Kickin' Goby is an effective bass fishing lure.
  3. Shad Imitations - Shad are probably the best known bass baits of all, especially in the southern United States. There are many different shad imitations on the market with soft plastics being some of the best shad imitations. However when it comes to bass fishing lures many times a traditional crank bait is called for. When you want a "traditional" crank bait that imitates a shad the KickTail Minnow is hard to beat.
  4. Sunfish Imitations - When it comes to a true sunfish imitation a hard head swim bait is the best option. The Castaic Baby Sunfish is an incredibly realistic bait fish imitation that looks a lot like a real baby sunfish.
The bottom line is that if any of these bass fishing lures aren't a part of your repertoire and any of the above bait fish are the predominant bait fish in the body of water you are fishing, the above lure should be added to said repertoire sooner rather than later.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of fishing country.

The Best Bass Bait -

Article Source:

Saturday, 21 November 2009

How to Catch a Largemouth Bass

There plenty of information online as to what's the best technique to easily catch a largemouth bass but in all honesty, you could take hours to look at all of them! No worries as this article will give you a short, concise guideline that you can take out to the waters immediately. Let's get started.

The first thing to that you need to get accustomed to is the seasonal habits of a largemouth bass. Because the worst thing that can happen is that you get all ready but there's no fish to fish. Largemouth bass have these basic needs - plenty of underwater structure for it to hide around, cover from the sun's rays, and water temperature between 50-80 degrees. During the spring time they will be spawning in regions of 2-8 feet of water. As it gets hotter, they will be moving deeper and deeper to stay in a temperatures that they are comfortable with. Use all these requirements to your benefit and scout around to where it might be.

Second on the list is to pick the right bait! Most people just simply choose the color and the bait and they wonder why they never get any big catches. When selecting the color you should and almost always match the color of the surroundings and environment. That means that if your place is dark, muddy or dull then you should pick just that color. But obviously if the water is clear and it's a sunny day then by all means go ahead and pick something flashy or colorful! Of course it is also common sense to try to imitate the movements of local bait fish. Largemouth bass are most likely to bait on something that looks fairly familiar to them.

Last but not least remember where you caught them! Largemouth bass are usually battling it out for the best spot to lurk. As I mentioned earlier they look for certain kinds of places to protect themselves from the sun and predators. There also must be some amount of bait fish around there for them to be there in the first place. If you catch a big largemouth at a certain spot, you can be sure that within a few days another big largemouth will be there in the exact same spot.

Have fun with these tips and don't forget to practice, practice, and practice!

Are you ready to start catching more bass fishes than you ever imagined? Find out more big bass fishing techniques and learn how to catch bass fish and finally start having fun on your next fishing trip!

Article Source:

Great bass fishing secrets here from Phillip.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

An Intro to Florida Bass Fishing Trips

Bass fishing is truly a unique experience and adventure; in the USA it has become a favorite pastime and sport! But what is a good location to practice it? The answer is Florida! And you can easily make your travel arrangements for a Florida bass fishing trip.

Florida has been called the World's capital to fish bass in the World. You can find many excellent spots on this state, such as lakes, Everglades, streams and rivers.

If you are planning a short Florida bass fishing trip, perhaps the best option is to fish on the everglades. In there you will find a great variety of fishes, something very hard to find in other parts of the United States. Among the common fishes found in here are the catfishes, pan fishes and crappies.

A good idea in your first trip to Florida, is to seek the help of a bass fisherman. There are specialized guides that can help you find the best spot for the season, and at the same time give you the techniques and tips to have a successful fishing trip. If you don't have too much money to spend on a guide you could also opt for booklet guides, there are plenty of them that can help you in your fishing journey.

One of the most famous lakes in Florida for bass fishing is Lake Okeechobee. This lake is 37 miles long and 30 miles across the board. It is by the way also a great, relaxing place. So as you can see if you love the fishing sport, in Florida you'll find paradise.

If you are interested in Florida, you can find here more information about Florida bass fishing. Not in vane is it considered the best place USA! If you have the opportunity, I'd also recommend you Mexico bass fishing, as Mexico offers perhaps the most beautiful places to practice this outdoor sport.

Article Source:

A good bass fishing report from Lee.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Bass Fishing in Mexico

Mexico is one of the preferred countries for Americans to go bass fishing, not only it is near, but it also offer some great spots with a great variety of fishes. Because Mexico has extensive lakes with good marine vegetation, they are good spots for fish to grow. Mexico also offers a warm climate, closer to the Caribbean that makes fishing a truly wonderful experience.

Among the lakes you'll find in Mexico are:

Lake El Salto. This lake is one of the most popular spots for bass fishing in Mexico, and is great to fish in throughout the whole year! This lake is located close to Mazatlan. Fishermen say you can find fishes of more than 10 pounds there!

Lake Huites. Its popularity is close to El Salto's. This is because just like in there you will find practically a paradise for fishermen. It is better to fish between June and September to find the most success in this lake.

Lake Baccarac. Yet another top spot for fishing in the World, in Lake Baccarac you will find some pretty big bass fishes that will look great on your trophy picture! Abundance is the word in Baccarac, where you can catch several fish in a day!

Some Tips to Follow:

If this will be your first time bass fishing in Mexico, I'd recommend you to visit a local trainer to get some tips o how to proceed better in these lakes. They also have pretty solid information about the current top spots in the country.

Mexico bass fishing guides can also be very helpful, especially if you decide to take the trip on your own. Finally, remember to take all your gear!

Mexico bass fishing is a truly wonderful experience for every fishermen. After all my trips, I've come to love Mexico and the variety it offers to bass fishing. If you are interested in a local spot, I'd recommend you Florida bass fishing!

Article Source:

Monday, 2 November 2009

Bass Fishing Lures Choose The Best

You should always keep up with the latest developments in bass fishing, there is millions being pumped into the sport and as each year goes by, more and more incredible equipment is being developed, especially bass fishing lures. So if you want all the bass fishing secrets, make sure you stay ahead in the information field!

Bass Fishing Tips - Best Bass Lures

This article will outline some of the most effective bass fishing lures available to fishermen. Are these the only options available? Of course not, but they are some of the best bass lures on the market as far as effectiveness is concerned. All of these bass lures are in my tackle bag and get used heavily in various bass fishing situations.

In various situations is a key phrase when it comes to bass fishing lures and tips. There aren't bass lures that are the "be all end all" and will be effective in every situation. There are however bass lures that work very well in certain situations. The same rule goes for bass fishing tips. One tip isn't going to make you catch bass like a professional, but good tips implemented in your own way can be extremely helpful.

The bass lures listed below are very effective, and any one of them could become your "best" for given fishing situations. The lures are being listed in no particular order.

  1. Shad Imitations - In many fishing hotspots shad are the main food source and shad imitations can be very effective bass lures. The key with shad imitations is that they look as natural as possible. That means that your lure looks as much like a live shad as possible. You can then imitate a wounded shad by jerking your rod tip and varying the speed of the retrieve. Shad Imitations are a great bass bait.
  2. Berkley Sinking Minnows - Berkley sinking minnows could easily be considered one of the best bass lures simply because of their versatility. These bass baits can be fished on a Texas rig or wacky style. Plus these baits are a "Gulp" product which means they've been impregnated with bass catching scents, which makes them much more effective than traditional soft plastics. Sinking minnows are great in certain bass fishing situations.
  3. Jointed Jitterbugs - Every bass angler worth his or her salt knows how effective top water fishing can be in the early mornings when the water is like glass. Well, jointed jitterbugs are an extremely effective top water bass fishing lure. When it comes to bass fishing tips, fishing jointed Jitterbugs in the early morning is a great one. This is especially true in lakes and ponds with a healthy frog population. The traditional Jitterbug has long been recognized as one of the best bass lures available and the jointed Jitterbug is no different.

Again, these aren't the only choices available when it comes to fishing lures; they are just some of the most effective. I have all of them available to me for various bass fishing situations. For given bass fishing situations these bass lures are undoubtedly the best. Having one or all of them available is a good idea for anyone who is serious about fishing for bass.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.

The Best Bass Lures:

Article Source:

That was a great article on bass fishing lures.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Bass Fishing Tactics Changing With the Seasons

An important article below pointing out the bass fishing techniques that enable you to adapt to the different seasons.

Bass Fishing Tips For the Seasons

The sport of bass fishing has become very popular over the last 10 years with television shows on ESPN and Versus displaying the top fishermen in their NASCAR like apparel. Prizes in the hundreds of thousands of dollars are not uncommon for the top professionals but the key to their success is often time spent on the water using proven techniques.

A successful bass fisherman adapts to the changing seasons as well as to different patterns on a wide variety of lakes. The summer finds many bass anglers probing the shallows in the early morning light targeting stands of vegetation, timber or manmade structure. As the sun rises the successful angler must move with the fish and that often means moving the boat to deeper structure such as creek channels, submerged timber and deep underwater humps and drop-offs. The proper selection of fishing gear in both scenarios is a must in order to catch their limits of bass. Shallow early morning fish strike topwater baits, Texas rigged worms and spinnerbaits while deep late morning early afternoon fish will likely hit worms on a Carolina rig or deep water crankbaits.

In the fall, the largemouth bass often feed on large shad schools and can be found at medium depths of 6 to 12 foot deep. Deep diving crankbaits and even topwaters can often provoke fish to strike.

The spring is the mating season for the bass. Pro fishermen seek sandy bottoms with available structure in the 2-4 foot range as the ideal depth. Fish can often be seen fanning their beds and a good pair of polarized glasses is a must to be able to sight fish. Tube lures, lizards and worms are often the ticket to catching the bass of a lifetime.

The winter is perhaps the toughest season to catch bass since the largemouth is cold blooded and their activity is proportional to the water temperature. Pros often downsize their baits and rely heavily on jigs, tubes and small finesse worms on a drop shot. A slight tick of the line maybe all that is felt on a winter bite and the successful angler must set the hook fast and hard.

Follow the major patterns for the seasons and with any luck you will be doing more catching with less fishing.

The Largemouth Herald- Paul Bruessow

See my sites at Bass Fishing - Bass fishing tips, tackle, techniques and maps so you can do more catching with less fishing and South Florida Bass Lakes
Bass Fishing Tips, Technique and Maps to South Florida Lakes.

Article Source:

Always looking for the best bass fishing tips and techniques that will improve my fishing.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Bass Fishing Tips - Ontario!

I hope you like these bass fishing tips we bring you, hopefully, your bass fishing techniques can only improve by using these bass fishing tactics, as over time you discover more and more bass fishing secrets.

Bass Fishing Rondeau Bay, Ontario

They say Rondeau Bay is Ontario's best kept secret and I couldn't agree more! It is an angler's paradise! Situated on Lake Erie's North shore between Leamington and Port Glasgow, Ontario, both off shore and in shore fishing are at their best there. Walleye, Rainbow Trout and good sizes of Smallmouth Bass can be had by via Erieau to the main Lake. The sheltered Rondeau Bay gives us approximately eleven square miles of weeded paradise, which is perfect Largemouth Bass territory. The depth ranges from three to eight feet on average making Bass and pan fish fishing excellent in the bay!

My focus that particular weekend was on the Largemouth Bass. I was amazed at the weed growth in Rondeau Bay. Seriously, everywhere I looked there were pockets upon pockets of Largemouth potential. Clear water was apparent, for the most part, so certain tactics were essential to be successful as I found out. Don't forget your fluorocarbon line! Murky areas were evident too, but still produced for me with normal close proximity pitching.

Certain bodies of water change over the course of a season and some more than others. Rondeau Bay, I think, would change frequently because of winds. There is a section at the North central area that is littered with surface matted weeds. Wind might change its shape here and there, but I am willing to bet it is there to stay. This particular weed matted paradise makes it excellent for top water baits. Frogs, rats, buzz baits, you name it and I know Largemouth could be had in this area. Let me tell you, it was painful to watch all the surface activity knowing my top water baits were sitting on my desk in my office at home! As a matter of fact, buzz baits are a favourite of the local anglers. My family parked our motor home at the Summer Place Marina and Campground situated on Rondeau Bay's east shoreline. We quickly noticed that come evening; everyone was casting buzz baits and spinner baits until dark. Many were successful and took pride in releasing the Bass to fight another day. It was good to see anglers who care enough to release what they catch.

During my family's short stay my son Lorenzo and I were able to get out and sample the great Bass fishing. Wind was a factor for us because this bay is definitely a sight fishing bay. Strong winds hindered our visibility greatly at times. When good deep weed edges were located, marking them on the G.P.S helped in keeping us close to them. Thank heavens for the G.P.S because from re-rigging alone the wind would send us off target and many times, way off target!

Dunking pockets with a Lightning Series 9\16 oz. jig with a Yum Craw Chunk trailer produced a good 5lb Largemouth right off the bat. I put it in the live well for pictures back at the motor home which was conveniently located on the shore of a lagoon at the camp. Needless to say, the Bass was released alive and well back where it was caught. I know it sounds crazy, but whenever I catch a good size Bass, and forget my camera, I will take pictures at the cottage or camp and travel back to the exact spot where I caught it and release the Bass in its original setting. I think it's important because the Bass doesn't get disoriented and is calm because it knows its surrounding.

Weeds in Rondeau's gin clear water were fished with Senkos rigged Wacky and Texas. My son fished the Texas and I fished the Wacky. Distance was key here and Spider Wires Invisi-Braid helped in the clear conditions. We were both successful many times over producing Largemouth from 2 to 3lbs consistently until wind, once again, made it difficult to stay on specific structure.

This Rondeau Bay outing was challenging with cold fronts, wind and 63 to 65 degree F. water temperatures. That is cool water for Largemouth Bass, so slowing down our presentation helped immensely. We still managed to have success and couldn't help but wonder what would have been the outcome if temperature and conditions were perfect! There was so much Bass cover, but we were looking for distinction in the weeds and that took time to find. When the right cover was found we were rewarded for our efforts. Weed line edges were key!

Largemouth, Smallmouth, Walleye, pan fish, what else can an angler ask for in a body of water with easy access. The best part about it is that they can all be caught in good sizes too!

Our weekend stay at the Summer Place Marina and Campground was peaceful and tranquil. The people were remarkably helpful in making our Rondeau Bay visit a memorable one. The fish were abundant and so was the hospitality. Make Rondeau Bay your next angling destination and you will leave smiling after you too have discovered Ontario's best kept secret!

Nic Di Gravio - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Bass Fishing Boat

Purchasing a Bass Fishing Boat - Tips To Make The Right Choice

The most advantageous outcome will be yours once you are on water with a Bass fishing boat, as they are designed to give the best. For all fishing enthusiasts it is vital to have a boat that delivers the best results, as well as the capability to hook the bass which you would feel is a big haul to bring in. The best part nowadays is that the prices are not as high as they used to be, and with equipment being more innovative there is a wide and beneficial range to select from. You should be in a hurry to make a decision but should take your time to buy the ideal bass fishing boat that suits your requirement. You should think over all the information you have and that you will accumulate on the web before buying your boat.

It is useful to know all about the device you want before buying it. An ideal boat for long trips and a especially designed to hook the bass fish, is the Bass fishing boat. However, like making any other buy, it is always beneficial to know as much as possible about the yacht before you decide on the model you would like to buy. There are a variety of bass fishing boats available in varying ranges of prices and it is important to keep in mind your budget before deciding on one. With your budget in mind it will be easier to decide on the kind of boat you would like to buy.

The motor is a key deliberation in bass boats. It is essential to have sufficient capacity to maneuver the boat out of a risky situation as fast as possible. You should also look into the warranty that is offered for the motor which would otherwise be a costly proposition to replace. Cost consciousness is fine but you should not compromise on the quality. So even if you have to pay a bit more it is better to go in for a known brand of good quality. Look into the feed back from other consumers before buying any product.

Whatever you decide on it should have the functions and features that you want on your boat. However, even if these features are not there initially because of a budget constraint, you can always acquire them later and add to the boat. Most boats will come with the basic necessities, but all the fancy stuff will need to be added on. There is a wide range of electronic gadgets and fancy seating in the market, but all these are really expensive.

Before buying a Bass fishing boat you should get all the information on the variety of models in the market and after comparing them come to the decision of what you find is your requirement and suitable to your needs.

Abhishek is an avid Bass Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Bass Fishing Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 135 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bass Fishing Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Looking for a bass fishing boat! Well, I hope the bass fishing tactics in the article above help, this blog is full of bass fishing techniques, with many bass fishing reports including the one above. A great bass resource is
bass fishing secrets.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Bass fishing techniques

Fishing For Bass In Deep Water

When fishing for bass in deep water try a spinnerbait that you have confidence in and have used to catch fish before. If the fish are inactive try a slow study retrieve. Spinnerbaits as you know, produce a vibration that attracts bass. Use a spinnerbait that has tandem blades and fish from shallow to deep. You can also use smaller blades that will allow the spinnerbait to run deeper. Try a 3/4 to 1 ounce spinnerbait.

Spinnerbaits can:

Draw bass from farther away than most lures.

Help find the fish faster.

Imitate more kinds of baitfish.

A nice rod for a spinnerbait is a 6 1/2- 7 foot medium/heavy rod. In clear, calm water try a dark color that will not blend in with the sky when a bass sees it from below. Fish can see it better.

Some good colors to try are:



Chartreuse and White,

Firetiger and


While most people recommend a spinnerbait for shallow water fishing, once you use this techniques in deep water, it will surely become one of your favorite ways to catch that weary old bass.

Another way you can fish with the spinnerbait in deep water is to use it like a jig. Throw the lure out and then lift your rod 6-12 inches at a time and let it fall back down. I have had success with both of these techniques. As Mikey says "Try It You Might Like It".

Charles has fished for bass for almost 50 years. He has fished from Florida to California and has caught more than 6,000 bass in his lifetime. His biggest bass is 12 pounds 14 ounces. Charles has helped many young people start their fishing career and has owned two fishing tackle stores in his lifetime. He now resides in Ohio. Charles is webmaster for:

I hope these bass fishing tactics help, they are proven bass fishing tips, that some of the old timer bass fishing secrets experts have revealed. We all need the best bass fishing techniques, to succeed in this wonderful sport.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Bass Fishing Techniques and Tips

This article is going to give you some tips that are going to be about bass fishing. Bass fishing is lots of fun but it can be challenging at the same time. In this quick post I am going to go over a few things that should help you catch more bass the next time you go fishing.


The first thing that you need to figure out is what exactly species of bass you are going to be fishing for. There are many species out there and if you can find out which one you are going to be fishing for you can narrow your approach.

Once you find out what species of bass you are fishing for, you need to do a little bit of research about it. Do a few searches online and see what you can come with. It is important that you know as much as you can about the type of fish that you are going after.

Some common types of bass include largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and the spotted bass.


The location that you are going to be fishing in is also very important. Bass are a species of fish that love to hang out where their food is. This means that they will usually be hanging around Lillie pads and other plants in the water. This is where a lot of bugs are and the fish love to sit here.

Another place that bass love to hang in is the deeper waters on a hot summer day. You can find them hiding underneath rocks trying to keep cool.


The best lure that you can use is spinnerbaits. I have used this type of bait many times and it seems to work fairly well. The most important thing is to keep trying different kinds of baits in order to see what works best for you.

Hopefully these quick tips have helped you improve your fishing game just a little bit more.

If you liked this article, try visiting this page about bass fishing tips.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The Old Gits Have All The Secrets!

Bass fishing tips

We have put some really goodbass fishing tips to raise your level of bass fishing expertise.. In our fast paced world, bass fisherman are looking for bass fishing tips that will shorten their learning curve and get them to the top faster, people want fast results, they want them today, now!
If you want to be rich, copy what rich people do. If you want to be a pro bass fishing expert, copy what the pros do!
The ultimate bass fishing secrets!

Choosing one of the main styles of bass fishing is going to raise it's head sooner or later, so start researching the different types of bass fishing and you are bound to end up fishing one type of bass.

Largemouth bass are found in shallow waters, where the water is warmer than the deeper areas.

With bass fishing tournaments, which are enourmous today, you can gain a lot of great friends and some incredible bass fishing tips, get in with the pros, befreind them, then pinch their secrets!

Bass fishing tournaments are a great way to learn firsthand how to succeed with fishing and pick up some great bass fishing tips. Yes, it's great to read information by them, but to be in the same boat and learn firsthand how they do it is even more valuable.

Access to bass fishing tips is not as hard as most people make out. The internet is an incredible resource and you will find some incredible bass fishing techniques that are free to use.
CLICK HERE For the ultimate bass fishing secrets!
Therefore, hopefully these tips will help you to start succeeding with bass fishing as quickly as possible. There are bass fishing legends who have ebooks out that you can get for pennies, these goldmines hold years and years of the best bass fishing secrets, that these guys have put together through trial and error.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Bass Fishing Homepage

The Success Found in Bass Fishing Homepage

Are you a bass fishing enthusiast? Do you get a huge bass every time you go on a fishing trip? Getting a large bass is not as difficult as you think. There are so many ways that you can improve your bass fishing strategies and techniques. There are so many websites that you can visit to read on and acquire knowledge on the bass fishing essentials.

It is advised that you browse these web sites so you can have enough knowledge and information on what bass fishing really should be. They have ebooks that will let you learn and think like a bass and this approach works like a charm. You will be surprised of the results once you have followed the guide. Even if you are just a newbie visiting these bass fishing homepages will attract you and convince you that bass fishing is indeed very enjoyable.

And so much for that whimsy notion that it is boring and complicated well in fact it is not. Besides, after you have learned it you will be surprised to see that you will not go home on an empty can. And some even give a guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the ebook, they will gladly refund 100% of your purchase price. If these bass fishing book does not aid you in catching more and larger bass on your next fishing getaway, just simply let them know with the purchase date and they will gladly refund the money you paid.

No questions asked. However, other ebooks may tell you promises but never comes out to be. So it is good that you choose and purchase the right and best product. Moreover, these homepages give you other special offers like another ebook after you have purchased one. You will get that for free. Like for example when you buy a certain ebook, you will get a special offer by having another ebook for free or at a discounted price.

Amazing, isn’t it? They will give you the keys to successful fishing in no time. Some bass fishing homepages give and store lake information, store catch information which includes fish species, lake conditions, fishing lures, weather conditions, fishing rig information, fishing baits, retrieves, as well as topo map location. Furthermore some homepages may also have detailed and high level reporting, store and retrieve fishing guide information, extensive online help system, store and retrieve lodging information and many others.

Taking a trip to great lakes for a bass fishing experience is so enjoyable. These homepages are dedicated to giving you the very finest fishing experience there is. All you have to do is browse their bass fishing homepage and voila! Or you can choose to go right away to their booking page to reserve your seat on a bass fishing of a lifetime.

In addition, some offer reservation request for those interested in reserving your booking. Since many of their destinations have very limited spaces that are available for each season or each particular time. However, a reservation request may not guarantee or assure that you will get the exact date you want. It is good that you ask and know of their availability. So how can you get the most from these bass fishing websites?

Some sites may be very hard to browse or check out. But some have tried all means to make sure that their site is easy to navigate and easy to use. There are different kinds of bass fishing homepages. There are those concentrated mainly on lures or baits while some are dedicated to forums and reservations. But generally, these sites are not only packed with information and tips but also a home to the nicest people who will take the time to answering your queries and questions you might have been wanting to ask.

Some web sites have the most impressive collections of bass fishing information there is on the web. Other may have lots of links and lake information. Moreover, some may have live chat and lake reports as well. Surprisingly, some sites even havemaps, tide charts bass fishing products, ebooks, excellent articles as well as complete resources on catching bass. So for all those interested in bass fishing, just feel free to visit these sites and have fun!

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Top bass fishing reports

Learn About Bass Fishing Reports - Enjoy Your Fishing

Bass Fishing Weapon

Most often, even the most tech-minded individual would want to live life in the streams that life comes in hand. Bass fishing report whether you come home with nothing bass on hand, or you are setting up your camera to capture those beautiful moments when you get the best catch.

Bass fish come in different types; these are the largemouth bass, the striped bass, the smallmouth bass and the spotted bass. The striped bass belongs to the species Percicthyidae and it's other family members include the white perch and the white bass. Striped bass type and the white bass are also referred to as temperate bass types - because they exercise self-control and self restraints.

The fishing of stripped bass can be very different in comparison to that of other common bass types. The essential thing to keep in mind is that each of these fish type calls for a rather different fishing approach to increase the chances of success in bagging them. The best approach to getting is by learn about the fish itself, its movement and ability to escape a predator.

The smallmouth bass, largemouth bass and the spotted bass types belong to the family of Centrarchidae which include members like the pumpkin seed and the rock bass, and the bluegills. These bass families are also referred to as the warm water bass or in another name the black bass.

The physical characteristics of a smallmouth bass include vertically striped side, greenish brown color. The easiest way to tell the difference between the two is by simply observing their mouth.

If you realize that the upper jawbone of the fish you've caught extends past the fish eye, then you'll know that you have a largemouth bass. But if the type of fish you have caught has a reddish eye color, and an upper jaw bone that stops before the eye, then you have a smallmouth bass in your catch.

The other best clue you can use is the weight of the fish, smallmouth weighs about 7 and ½ pounds. The best spot to seek smallmouth bass is to go fishing close to rocky streams. When you have them in your catch, you'll realize that they taste much similar to largemouth bass.

Basses have increasingly and gradually grown to be one of the most liked freshwater sport fish in America. Their increasing popularity is fuelled by the rise of the bass fishing tourney industry that assists in selling recreational fishing products and train anglers on how to bag the elusive bass.

Contemporary Bass fishing emerged from the Southern United States, initially done purposefully as food-hunt. This sport has grown into a multi-million dollar industry. The sport has witnessed significant change form the 1950s from humble beginnings to the current second most exclusively sought after sport fish in America. This sport has spearheaded the rapid development of all sorts of fishing accessory ranging from reels, lures, lines, electronics to the contemporary bass fishing boats.

Bass fishing competition alone creates roughly two billion dollars per annum. More recent survey indicate that the worth of the sport is well over US$ 7 billion.

Most of participants don't view bass as food fish anymore. These days most fish caught are released back into the water almost immediately. Competing anglers are heavily disciplined for dead fish, in some instances dead fish are mostly not weighed. The fish that are turned in for weighting are quickly let loose or kept in tanks where they are treated for stress and injury inflicted in their slime coats, then released back into the ocean.

Game anglers and federal wildlife and marine departments have instigated the largemouth globally. This initiative makes largemouth a species to be found globally, especially in areas such as South Africa, Japan, and Australia, where government have initiated programs aimed at restocking their waters. The culture of competitive bass fishing has become global. That has seen number of tourney events in America involving participants invited from areas such as Japan, the Republic of South Africa, and the Australia.

Game anglers have also established organizations where fishermen can enjoy companionship with other sportsmen in bass fishing. Bass fishing clubs trace their existence back to the US, and they are divided up as the western, the central, and the eastern divisions. This bass fishing clubs are an assortment of competitive to recreational.

A common bass fishing club offers its members newsletters, and occasionally periodicals that give information about scheduled events, upcoming contests and tourneys. Bass fishing clubs provide an interesting ways to become involved in tourney fishing as they can be utilized as springboards to the enter national tourneys.

Majority of this bass fishing clubs have websites where one can browse and collect information about the particular club, such as dues, their locations, and images and also articles on past events and tourneys that regard to bass fishing.

Regrettably, we are not in the best position to provide you the best insight on the excellent techniques in bass fishing simply because of the great variation in the ways things are. Smallmouth bass is caught differently from largemouth bass. These techniques will mostly depend with you. On how best you utilize that particular technique.

Abhishek is an avid Bass Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Bass Fishing Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 135 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bass Fishing Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Bass fishing tactics

Basic Bass Fishing Facts That Beginners Must Know

Bass Fishing Weapon

Bass fishing is something that many may not know about. It rather has a fascinating story. Late 18th century saw its start and it has been developing till date. Many are now getting obsessed with this activity.

It has rather become the most admired activities of many people all around the globe. Many countries are now adopting this activity.

The people of southern United States possibly started it as a practice in search of food. Since then, it has been gaining a large audience from all age groups and countries. At present, many nations like United States, Cuba, Australia, South Africa and many from Europe take part in such events.

The birth year of bass fishing activity was 1768 or 1770. Onesimus Ustonson was one who pioneered his first multiplying spools to fishing experts and bass fishing admirers. Since then, it was expanded into a bait caster.

Shakespeare, William Jr. Lead the way to the creation of level wind tool for which he obtained its patent in 1897.

Successively, the excessively decorated Shannon Twin Spinner, introduced by William J.Jamison Co in 1915, was later bettered to make the spinner baits of today.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the U.S, in 1932, introduced a Board at Tennessee Valley and supported the development of several dams. Later, these dams were employed for bringing up bass fish of different kinds .If not for these dams, there wouldn't have been a place for people to go bass fishing.

After five years, a copyright was filed by the well-known Dupont Company for fishing net made of nylon, which was later enhanced into a monofilament nylon fishing line.

The most magnificent happenings in the history of bass fishing came in 1992.The eminent fisherman, Larry Nixon, bagged a total of $1M for bass fishing in that year.

Kentucky Bass - Micropterus punctuates

Smallmouth bass - Micropterus dolomieui

Largemouth Bass - Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede)

Smallmouth bass - Micropterus dolomieui

Largemouth Bass - Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede)

In those days, though many other groups of Micropetus were also trapped, Largemouth bass is one that has been acknowledged constantly. Also, it should be highlighted that there are a few Australian Bass differ from the North American bass mentioned above, though they have similar features.

The most vital accomplishment of Bass fishing probably came in 1950s.The advancement in the modern fishing tools from rods, lures, lines, bass boats and diverse fishing gears came as a result of the fame gained by this game during this period.

The industry of bass fishing has contributed $50-$70 Billion to the US economy and is still growing. The figures show the steady growth of audience for this game and that many now prefer this game to golf or tennis.

During this period, electronic gears came up and these were included amongst the host of tools bass fishers that were employed at that time. Different kinds of reels, which mainly work on carrying and rising, were also built.

After having understood a little about this activity now, your own bass fishing at your place can be started .It is essential to know some basic facts on bass fishing in order to completely understand its origin.

Also, one must understand how to develop a successful bass fishing design. A large bass will help in the fishing trip.

To specialize in night bass fishing methods, one may also go fishing in the night.

In addition, it would be an advantage for others, who have been exposed to all the four seasons, to learn this winter bass fishing methods.

The points discussed above are only a few of the many tips and styles that can help to enhance and develop your bass fishing tactics. But if you have no ideas about it, you get discontented from time to time. However, it is one's choice to first learn and study the necessary information and guidance for bass fishing.

Abhishek is an avid Bass Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Bass Fishing Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 135 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bass Fishing Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Bass fishing secrets

Top 5 Bass Fishing Locations - Best Fishing Experience

Bass Fishing Weapon

Bass Fishing is one hell of a sport that many from the fishing clan are eager to experience. Nothing is impossible, so is the search for the bass fishing destination. There are very few places that can make bass fishing a pleasurable experience. There are very few nearly perfect destinations for bass fishing.

Following are the best of the lot:

1. Phoenix, Arizona:

The waters here in Arizona are considered one of the best locations for bass fishing. They offer the best in the southwest. There are four lakes to choose from. There are areas for bass fishing for different skills and different seasons.

This place is plush and green and houses wonderful vegetation, consisting of beautiful wildlife population adding to the look of the water all around.

The tours can be arranged online, and a guide can be assigned to assist you through the fishing process, and he can also brief you about the history of the lake and other surroundings.

2. Everglades fishing of Florida:

The everglades fishing are one of the best when the trip is going to be short and sweet.

This area is diversified. The everglades fishing is accompanied by fast baits, big worms, buzz baits, spoons and top water plug. The worms of plastic are real fast as baits,

There is a record here in everglades, the number of fish caught by one person every hour is very high.

3. Brazil:

Brazil is not new to the bass fishing arena; it is considered one of the best when it comes to bass fishing. The vegetation here is also beautiful. The fisher gets a whole new experience here in Brazil.

The environment here in Brazil is splendid; all that matters to a fisherman here is bass fishing. One can spend his time playing this unbelievably relaxing sport. The food adds to the whole feel, and the Brazil remains on top for any bass fishing lover.

4. Mexico:

Mexico is also a dream destination for any bass fisherman. One can spend his time usefully fishing in the new fishing lake, Aguamilpa which is a 70,000 acre heaven for bass fishermen. This place is plush green and casts a spell on the onlooker with its beautiful scenery. This place sure will make your day!

This place also offers very good surroundings and accommodation; new lodges have been constructed to keep the tourists from the trouble of looking for a decent place to stay. In spite of all other attractions, it's the bass fishing that still stands atop.

Lake Baccarac, which is the world's best bass lake is located here in Mexico.

Lake Baccarac houses the best of ten pound bass.

The vast area of the lake offers plenty of options for the bass fishermen. The whiff of fresh air keeps everyone fishing there going. Now, with enough accommodation facilities, this place is sure to be the centre of attraction for any bass fisher.

5. Texas:

Great weather, great people, beautiful ambiance are all that marks the Texan Bass Fishing region. Bass fishing is a hobby for the Texan clan. This place has wonderful catchments that are loved by all bass fishermen.

The most frequently visited locations for bass fishing are Canyon Lake, Travis Lake, Falcon Lake, LBJ Lake, and Fork Lake.

The next time you decide to hit one of the lakes for a cool bass fishing experience, keep these places in mind. Keep the lures and equipments ready, these places offer you more than just bass, they give you some sort of peace of mind.

Abhishek is an avid Bass Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Bass Fishing Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 135 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bass Fishing Pro!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Bass Fishing Tips: Being Prepared

Whether you are on a new lake, or on one that you call home, the main purpose is to locate and catch as many fish as possible. Each body of water has an endless supply of different forms of structure and cover in a variety of depths and water conditions. You can use many types of fishing equipments to be able to get a lot of fish in a proper and legal way, so we need to take good care of our equipments used for catching fish.

Here are some bass fishing equipment tips to be remembered:

• Keeping your feet dry. Seal skin sox, a waterproof pair of shoe that can be worn in any shoe. It will help you a lot in putting your boat in a low lake that calls for a need for you to step in the water too push off, by doing this your feet will be dry all day.

• Keeping your rods good as new. It is nice to look at, especially when you always keep your rod clean. Just use a simple prep pad in cleaning the cork handles on the rod. If the cork of your fishing rods is very untidy then it makes your rods look like hundred years older than it really is. Take a very light grade sand paper and sand the cork handles, you will find out that all the dirt will go away leaving you with a brand new looking fishing rod. Plus it will make your rod last longer.

• Hi- tech basin. Handheld computer and organizers such as the palm pilot can be very helpful to the bass angler. You may be able to log conditions, creating your own checklist to avoid forgetting stuffs, and store the numbers of your new friends you’ve met along the way. You can also download map for your destinations and when you reach home you can easily access all the information to your home computer for future purposes.

• Being prepared. Always carry equipment and parts in the boat just in case some failures or problems occur.

• Batteries. Always check if you have a good connection. Take care of your battery. Always bring a spare for emergency purposes.

• Being organized. Instead of using a plastic filing box, and some hanging folders why don’t you just make an article and label them with general bass angling headings and file your articles as you finish them. Subscribing to a lot of fishing magazines and reading a lot of good articles will be able to help you for your future reference. You can put up a mini library that’s all about bass fishing.

• Boat bearings. Many anglers forget to check their wheel bearings on their boat trailers. Every spring when you get your boat out of storage, always have your bearings checked. This could save you from a serious accident with your boat

• Rod basic. The most accurate casting is accomplished when bait casting equipment is cast overhand. Bait casting gear is extremely well suited for "targeted" fishing. On some occasions placing a lure under a boat dock, under over lying limbs or between pontoon boats may be necessary. In this situation skipping a lure is ideal. A spinning outfit is perfect for this chore. Be versatile and be able to use both types of equipment.

• Graphite rods. The biggest killer of graphite rods is impact against a hard object. It may not break in that spot the day it happens but there will be a weak spot at that point. Keep this in mind when stowing rods for travel. If you are keeping them on the deck, strap them flush against the deck so that the parts of the deck aren’t rapping against it during travel.

If you are storing them in a locker, do the same or put them in a horizontal holding system, where they won’t hit the side or floor of the locker. If you are the non boater and your partner doesn’t have room in his locker, try to find the spot that minimizes the repeated bouncing they will take if they are laid over the gunwale. If you have to, lay them over your leg when running the big engine. It's never fun to set the hook on a good fish and end up with a three piece rod. I hope you found these bass fishing tips useful.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Bass fishing tips

Bass Fishing Tips - 3 Effective Bass Fishing Tips

Bass Fishing Weapon

When it comes to bass fishing it seems to me that bass fishing tips are more prevalent than Hershey kisses in Rosie O'Donnell's cupboards. It seems like every time you turn around there's someone who fancies themselves a fishing expert and has a bass fishing tips to throw at you. I have three of those bass fishing tips to throw at you as well, but thee 3 effective bass fishing tips have been proven through more than 50 years of combined fishing experience.

Does 50 years of combined fishing experience mean that these tips are the be all, end all when it comes to fishing tips? Certainly not, but it does mean that the tips have been proven through experience, which is incredibly valuable. Fishing experience is where fishing tips come from and these fishing tips come from experience.

There are many people out there selling all kinds of "systems", over priced e-books, and devices that will supposedly help you catch more fish. I've actually seen one product being pimped out there that supposedly calls the bass (and every other species of fish) to you when you're fishing? This market is marketed as some sort of "secret weapon". How crazy does this sound? The bottom line is that the only secret to fishing is that there is no secret. Learn simple tips like the ones in this article and then go out and put them into practice.

So, what are these bass fishing tips that will help you catch more bass?

  1. Use Line That's As Light As Possible - Many bass anglers use fishing line that's much heavier than they need to use. Bass have keen eyesight and in many instances can see your fishing line, and if the bass see your fishing line they are much less apt to bite. Obviously factors such as water clarity come into play as well. The bottom line is a great bass fishing tip is to employ fishing line that's as light as possible.
  2. Use Realistic Bass Fishing Lures - No matter what type of fishing lure you choose to use, you want to make sure that your bass fishing lures are as realistic as possible. The more your bass lure looks like the quarry the bass normally eat, the more effective said lure will be. When it comes to bass fishing tips using a realistic fishing lure is one of the best
  3. Use Mother Nature To Your Advantage - As a bass angler you should always use Mother Nature to your advantage, specifically the weather and moon. These two forces of Mother Nature have an incredible impact on the feeding behavior of bass (and all other fish). This bass fishing tip can become quite involved, but the basics are simple to learn and put into practice. The bottom line is that using Mother Nature to your advantage is an extremely effective and useful bass fishing tip.

The 3 bass fishing tips just outlined are obviously not the only bass fishing tips you will ever need. They are however 3 tips that will most certainly help you become a much more successful bass angler. Give one or all of them a shot and find out for yourself, you won't be disappointed.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.....Montana!

Learn How Mother Nature Impacts Fishing For FREE -

Sunday, 28 June 2009

bass fishing secrets revealed!

Bass Fishing In The Winter In The North

The next few days in Ohio are supposed to be in the 50's, so, guess what I plan on doing if the lakes thaw out? Yep, go fishing for bass.

As you know the bass are not going to spend a lot of energy going after your bait, so offer them something a little larger than usual. A 10" worm comes to mind, a pig and jig or something to that effect.

Where you might have this in the water for 30 seconds in the summer, now it might take 4 or 5 minutes. Work it slow.......very slow.

Does this work? Well, one day it was so cold outside I never even got out of the truck, my fishing partner wanted to fish this new lake even though the wind was blowing about 20 miles an hour.

Can you imagine my surprise when he came back about 10 minutes later with a bass over 5 pounds? He was working a grape colored worm very, very slow.

I have fished in the winter ever since that day.

Charles E. White has fished for almost 50 years for bass from California to Florida. In his lifetime, it is estimated that he has caught over 6,000 bass. His biggest bass is a 12 pound 14 ounce that hangs on his wall in his office.

Charles has fished with people who have never fished for bass before and taught them how to become successful anglers and also has fished with the Pros in Florida.

His new website about fishing for bass is at

Bass fishing tips - Where are the bass?

Top Bass Fishing Tips - Part Two - Where Are the Bass?

Bass Fishing Weapon

Welcome to Part Two of the series Top Bass Fishing Tips. If you missed any of the other articles in the series then just do a quick search for top bass fishing tips and you should be able to find the other articles. The goal of this series is to provide you with top bass fishing techniques to help you catch more bass. In today's article we will look at answering the crucial question where are the bass?

A lot of considerations come into play when we consider how to locate bass. The body of water we are fishing, weather conditions, structure and other elements but let's try and put these together to round out this bass fishing tip. So to try and help do that first I want to discuss water.

Water us made up of 3 strata. There is a top strata, a middle strata and a bottom strata. During the course of the year water tends to form into these 3 distinct layers, and easy to help you identify with this is concept is, have you ever gone swimming while you were up at the cottage or camping? I'm sure you have, right and as you were swimming you noticed that in the summer swimming along the top can be quite comfortable but dive down a few feet and you instantly notice a drop a in temperature. Now I'm not suggesting the middle layer is just a few feet beneath the surface, but it's just an example to help identify the concept of water strata. These strata play an important role in a fish's life. This is applicable to all fish species and not just for bass fishing. Without getting into a huge discussion about water strata, for now for this bass fishing tips I just wanted to get you used to the concept.

Things to consider when thinking about water strata and how we can use that in our bass fishing technique. Let's break it down.

Top Water Strata. This is a section of water that generally for the most part if the year is warmer then the other 2 layers. Although it is important to note that this layer also drops to the bottom during fall weather and is the first layer to become available in the spring on the surface. Ok to catch more bass in the top water strata consider proper bass fishing lure choice. For instance, top water or "floating" lures with splashing and darting actions can help trigger active fish in this zone of warmer water. Remember this zone becomes very active in the spring as the water stratifies and by summer becomes distinct. Also weather patterns and time of the day help to dictate when active bass may move into this layer of water.

Middle Strata of Water. Is often a transitional section of water that determines how the water will circulate during the yearly seasons and also acts as the definitive barrier of range of water temperatures that separate the top water from the bottom. Tacking advantage of these bass fishing tips for this section of water takes some consideration. Bass will usually hold in this water as a transition. Sometimes moving off to drop offs sections and holding in this strata yet still having access to the active top water. Finding choice bass locations that contain this middle strata along close access to top water habitat can make for some of the best bass fishing. Bass fishing lure choices here range from swimming action baits, rattle baits, shad rap style lures and other medium diving plugs.

Bottom Water Strata. This section of water is generally the coldest in terms of water temperature within a lake. This section of water also rotates to become the top water strata during certain times of the year so be aware of that and be ready to adapt to this to catch more bass. But to make bass fishing tips easier to understand let's stick with a summer scenario when this is the bottom strata. Bass fishing in this strata takes special considerations. Bass generally drop down here during certain weather patterns, when bass are spooked or go in-active. It is still possible to catch more bass here you just have to adapt. Bass fishing lure choices for this water layer are, worm rigs, flipping jigs, deep diving crankbaits and so on. Often the presentation method is slow and methodical to entice the bass to bite.

There you have it a couple quick bass fishing tips, that discuss water conditions how water stratifies and how that can determine our bass fishing technique and bass fishing lure choices. Tomorrow will continue in our series of top bass fishing tips and hope to see you there.

To learn more bass fishing tips that can help you catch more bass, head on over to Top Bass Fishing Tips. Here I not only discuss more top bass fishing tips and bass habitat and also take a more in-depth look at bass fishing technique.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Bass fishing lures

Top 4 Best Bass Fishing Lures Secrets

Bass Fishing Weapon

So you're planning your next bass fishing trip. You've got all those brand new shiny crankbaits sitting ready to go in your tackle box, and now your surfing the net looking for the best bass fishing lures secrets. In this article that's exactly what we are going to look at, and I know after your done reading this you'll have a added a tip or 2 to your bass fishing arsenal of knowledge. After all it's all about getting that nest monster bass in the boat right? There's no point having a nice shiny crankbait in your tackle box if you don't understand how to put a bass into your live well with it.

So let's look at best bass fishing lures secrets and their strategies and how they apply to bass fishing. All lures no matter if they are spinnerbaits or crankbaits are designed to perform a specific way. A lot of times the reason why anglers fail to catch more bass is because they fail to use lures for the function they were designed for. If you're completely familiar with the function and characteristic of each lure in your tackle box then you can be rest assured you have an edge over the angler that just starts grabbing crankbaits on a whim when the chips are down.

There are all kinds of different bass fishing lures available. Many of these lures overlap in their function, but there are others that were designed to meet certain conditions and require special techniques to be successful. In general bass fishing lures fall under the following;

1. Shallow Water Fishing: Ah the magic of catching bass in shallow water can be a bit tricky. This is one water type where snags can rule the day and it can be easy to lose 20 bucks worth of crankbaits and catch zero fish if you are not careful. This is also probably the most common section of water where most bass anglers prefer to take on their trophies. Floating/Diving plugs and Spinnerbaits are the winners here.

Choose, minnow-imitating balsa plugs or plastic plugs that float when they are at rest and dive only a foot or two on retrieve are your best choices here.

Spinnerbaits are excellent shallow water lures, particularly in the spring when fish are shallow due to the warmer water. Spinner baits are also very good at covering large amounts of water fast as you look for those active feeding bass. So I often like to hit shallow water areas up with a 1-2 punch technique. First fish an area with a quick covering spinnerbait looking for those active lunkers then follow up with a shallow running plug. By using the 1-2 punch you can cover a lot of water, and be sure you covered it effectively before moving on to the next spot.

2. Medium depth angling (4 to 12 feet): Here you are best off choosing a straight running dive to the bottom plug often referred to as a crankbait. Crankbaits generally come in 3 styles, shallow medium and deep diving versions. Each version is dependant on the size and shape of the lip that protrudes from each one. The idea is you want to choose a crankbait that can dive into the strike zone where the bass are sitting as fast as possible and stay there the longest. Medium and deep divers are usually the most useful to bass fishermen here as they tend to work best for most conditions.

Don't forget worms and jigs are also highly effective bass baits in this depth range, so don't forget to give them a try too. Often worms and jigs in this depth range will tend to target the shy biting bass or are great to tie on if your fishing during a cold front.

3. Deep Water Bass Fishing (10 feet or more). A bass fisherman needs to understand why bass heads for these deeper waters and understand this then you'll see why this bass fishing lure secret should be your first choice. Bass seek the comfort of cooler, deep water in late spring, summer, and early fall. A lot of the times the water is too warm for the bass in the shallows so this tends to push the bass into deeper water. Another reason why bass head into deep water is because of weather. A heavy cold front will push bass into deep water as well, but for whatever the reason why bass may be holding in the deeper water doesn't mean you can't catch bass, it just means we change strategies.

Here the bass fisherman that knows how to handle a plastic worm is going to put lunkers in his boat. In deep water plastic worms are probably more effective then all the other lure combinations combined. Another great choice here is the jig. Both lure choice are extremely effectively in very deep water (and at any depth for that matter) at targeting shy bass.

4. Surface fishing: Ah the favorite technique of bass anglers, nothing gets the heart pumping more then the excitement of surface fishing for bass. Watching a bass nail a fishing lure on the surface is breath taking and I don't know an angler alive that doesn't get excited just thinking about it. Surface lures run the gamut here and there are a lot of choice from soft plastic floating baits to wood or plastic plugs that twitch, wobble, chug, and sputter. Going through all the techniques in how to fish surface lures is an article all on it's own but finesse in working these surface lures is the name of the game.

That's the basics of bass fishing lures secrets and how to choose the best bass fishing lure for the job. The point to remember here is there is a time and place for every fishing lure. If you want to maximize your potential to catch big bass then you need to use a lure that was designed for whatever situation you may be fishing in. There are good lures and bad lures, good times to use them and poor time to use them. But having a solid understanding of the usage a lure was designed for an its place will go a long way to help you choose the correct fishing lure the next time you open your tackle box.

Now obviously there is a lot more to bass fishing then understanding lure choice and having a well stocked tackle box. For more information on bass fishing check out bass fishing secrets.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Top bass fishing - Catch the large ones!

Catch Large Bass and Bass Fly Fishing Tactics - Catch The Big One

Bass Fishing Weapon

Bass fishing has a fascinating history. Bass fishing has been around for hundreds years

Fishing was used as a means to search for food among the people in the south of the United States. Since then, it has encompassed all ages and nations. Today, countries such as Australia, Cuba, South Africa, The United States and most of Europe practice fishing.

Bass happenings during history:

• Bass fishing was born around the years 1768 to 1770

• William Shakespeare Jr. produced the first winding fishing reel and got its patent on 1897.

• The William J. Jamison Co created the first spinner and it became today's spinner baits.

• In 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted the creation of The Tennessee Valley Authority and encouraged the creation and building of numerous dams. These dams were later used as fisheries for different species of bass.

• 1937 DuPont Company filed patent for a nylon fishing net, which became today's nylon monofilament fishing line. With some changes it stays straight and lasts quite a long time with cleaning and care.

• In the year 1992 Larry Nixon, the famous fisherman in the history of bass fishing won $1M total earnings for this sport on this year. Today we have bass tournaments all over the US and winnings of $100,000 to $1,000,000 are common.

Bass come in a variety of types:

The most caught bass are:

• Largemouth Bass

• Smallmouth bass

• Kentucky Bass

• White Bass

• Black Bass

• Sea Bass

Australia has Bass but they are different from North American Bass, although they have similar features.

In the 1950s, Due to the development of modern fishing equipment, from bass boats, rods, lines, lures and various fishing gears, Bass fishing lept into the future.

Electronic gear was incorporated among the host of equipment bass fishers used at that time. Reels of different types, which function in hauling and hoisting, and flipping came into development.

Statistics show sport is increasing and that more and more people are getting interested in today. Surpassing tennis and golf.

Fly fishing for bass is a popular sport as well.

A good fiberglass or bamboo rod is required and comes in various sizes. The most used size is a 9 foot rod. The rod is longer than normal rods because the rod is used to cast the heavier line.
Rods will come in one, two or three piece units. Many fishermen prefer a two piece rod as it is easier to transport.

The type of fly line you use will depend on the rod you select. Look on the rod handle for the type of line to use with this rod.

The reel of a fly rod is very different than a spin casting rod and will hold less line. This is because the line is much thicker. With a spin rod the lure is pulling the line but with a fly rod the line is pulling the lure.

Most bass fly fishers will want to use a Up-Locking with extension butt type rod. Your fishing store will know what your asking for.

Another important item for the fly fisher is a good fishing vest.

You want as many pockets as you can get and large enough to hold your lure boxes and other items. Also make sure there is a felt or wool fly holder to stick extra fly lures to. This makes it easy to change lures when needed.

Chest or hip waders are also a good idea when bass fly fishing. You will be able to wade the river and streams and get right on a bass while in the water. Remember bass like to hide and strike their prey.

A good pair of wading shoes or boot will help too. Find some with good soles of leather, felt or non slippery texture. I used to use rubber soled boots but they were slippery on moss covered rocks in West Virginia, I now have felt glued to the bottoms and find this works well.

When bass fly fishing do not be worried about not catching any bass, it maybe trout time...So fish for trout. They are fun to catch and just as tasty. Get tasty fish recipes and more fishing articles and secrets.

For more bass fishing tips, fishing articles and delicious fish recipes you can read more at my website.

Found in the resource box below. Keep fishing the cool waters. Joe

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Joe Roman Author, Fisherman and Outdoorsman: for fishing articles, delicious fish recipes and fishing ebooks and courses. Sign up for the fishy fish emagazine.*It's Free* Fishing is fun for the whole family, Take the kids.

Copyright 2008 richcoin publishing

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Bass fishing book

What To Look For In A Bass Fishing Magazine Or Book

Have you ever had a person try to be an authority on a subject they knew nothing about? After talking to that person for a while you realize that he really doesn't know what's he talking about, let alone be able to teach it to anyone. There are people like that in every subject including bass fishing. So, you might want to ask yourself what do I want to look for when I subscribe to a bass fishing magazine or buy a bass fishing book.

Over the years, I have bought thousands of books and magazines on bass fishing. Many of them were outstanding but a few, once you got reading them made you wonder if the author had even went bass fishing in his life. Yes, they gave you bass fishing tips and told you how to use the newest bass fishing lure but overall it looked like he just read about the technique somewhere then copied it to his book or magazine. The technique he wrote about didn't go into detail about how he used it personally or if he had any success with it in his own experience.

So, the very first thing I look for is experience, does the author or publisher of the magazine or bass fishing book have experience? I am not talking about a year of bass fishing or writing bass fishing reports that the local bait store has given them the information to write. Does the author actually use what he is recommending? If he is telling you how to win bass fishing tournaments, has he personally ever fished in them? I am talking about honest to goodness "I have caught bass for 10 years experience" and I can help you catch more bass by teaching you this method.

The second thing I look for is easy reading. I don't want some big worded, long drawn out article about a certain aspect of bass fishing. I want something I can read, get the point of what the author is saying about the bass fishing technique and move on to the next article or chapter. Forget all the "fluff" the author has added to make the bass fishing article or story longer, just give it to me straight so I can move on to the next chapter and learn more bass fishing techniques.

I am a visual person, so I want pictures! I want to see what you're talking about. I want to see the results of that big fish you landed using the technique you're telling me to use. I want to see a diagram of the knot you used and how to tie it if you're going to tell me to tie my line a certain way. If I am reading a book you wrote, I want to see pictures of that 10 pound bass you caught. So, the third thing I look for is pictures to prove to me you actually did what you said with this great bass fishing tip and so I can learn how to tie that knot with a diagram.

The fourth thing I want is access to your bass fishing homepage. I want somewhere I can go and follow up on other techniques to use. I also want a place I can check you out and read your other bass fishing articles or chapters of your books to really see if you know what you're talking about when you tell me the way I should be bass fishing, and a place I can check your bio out to see if it matches the experience your telling me you have.

The fifth thing I want is simplicity. I don't want to have to go out and buy a new bass boat just to try out your fantastic bass fishing tip or your new fangled bass fishing method. I don't want to buy anything except maybe a new lure, rod, or a reel to catch fish with your technique. I want to be able to use this wonderful bass fishing tip even if I fish from shore. (Some exceptions to this rule, like deep water fishing, etc.) My point is I don't want to have to buy some new expensive gadget to catch bass. Just give me the basics that almost anyone can use regardless, of where they fish for bass.

My next article will cover tips 6-10 for what to look for in bass fishing books and magazines.

Charles has owned two tackle shops in his life and fished with the pros in Florida. He has fished from California to Florida and has caught over 6,000 bass in his lifetime with his largest bass going 12 pounds 14 ounces.

Charles now lives in Ohio where he grew up and has his website at: where you can get bass fishing tips to catch more and bigger bass in Ohio.

Bass Fishing Weapon