There plenty of information online as to what's the best technique to easily catch a largemouth bass but in all honesty, you could take hours to look at all of them! No worries as this article will give you a short, concise guideline that you can take out to the waters immediately. Let's get started.
The first thing to that you need to get accustomed to is the seasonal habits of a largemouth bass. Because the worst thing that can happen is that you get all ready but there's no fish to fish. Largemouth bass have these basic needs - plenty of underwater structure for it to hide around, cover from the sun's rays, and water temperature between 50-80 degrees. During the spring time they will be spawning in regions of 2-8 feet of water. As it gets hotter, they will be moving deeper and deeper to stay in a temperatures that they are comfortable with. Use all these requirements to your benefit and scout around to where it might be.
Second on the list is to pick the right bait! Most people just simply choose the color and the bait and they wonder why they never get any big catches. When selecting the color you should and almost always match the color of the surroundings and environment. That means that if your place is dark, muddy or dull then you should pick just that color. But obviously if the water is clear and it's a sunny day then by all means go ahead and pick something flashy or colorful! Of course it is also common sense to try to imitate the movements of local bait fish. Largemouth bass are most likely to bait on something that looks fairly familiar to them.
Last but not least remember where you caught them! Largemouth bass are usually battling it out for the best spot to lurk. As I mentioned earlier they look for certain kinds of places to protect themselves from the sun and predators. There also must be some amount of bait fish around there for them to be there in the first place. If you catch a big largemouth at a certain spot, you can be sure that within a few days another big largemouth will be there in the exact same spot.
Have fun with these tips and don't forget to practice, practice, and practice!
Are you ready to start catching more bass fishes than you ever imagined? Find out more big bass fishing techniques and learn how to catch bass fish and finally start having fun on your next fishing trip!
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Great bass fishing secrets here from Phillip.